Festival Role: Festival Shop/Box Office Manager  

How I got involved: Having attended the festival since before I remember and being around folk involved, I have always had an interest into behind the scenes. After pestering Caroline Maclennan with many a question, I was soon offered a job in the shop the summer I left school (probably to shut me up!)

What makes HebCelt special:  HebCelt has always been special to me growing up. I remember being young and having to go home early, I would open my bedroom window and listen to the music echo through the Castle Grounds until it finished - perks of being a townie! 
Every year it’s so amazing seeing the town slowly come alive towards festival week, meeting new visitors to the island and old friends too! The team at HebCelt is truly special and everyone does such an outstanding job - it really is my second family! 

Best Festival Memory:  Getting to celebrate my 18th birthday on the green, surround by great people, great music and copious amounts of gin. 

Favourite Gig: There have been SO many! I think my first HebCelt ‘wow, this is pretty cool’ moment was being backstage for Tide Lines’ first headline slot, closing a Thursday night and hearing the crowd sing back every word - that was cool to see.